Your AI Expert
for GDPR, HIPAA, and DVG
Ask any question, get clear, actionable answers with curated articles and official sources. Stay compliant without the guesswork.
Companies who trusted

How it  works
Ask Your Question
Simply type your question in plain, everyday language, such as: "Am I required to use 2FA under GDPR regulations?"
Get an Answer Instantly
Receive a clear, detailed and concise response, complete with direct references to the specific articles of law. In just a few seconds.
Take Action Confidently
Our AI references reliable articles and allows consultant reviews, ensuring accurate, legally compliant answers you can trust.
A solution for businesses and professionals

For businesses
Immediate precise answers for your questions
Got questions about compliance or data security? Get clear answers in no time, backed by carefully selected resources and double-checked by real people to give you confidence and peace of mind.

For professionals
No More Memorizing Article Numbers—We’ve Got You Covered!
Use the tool to analyze cases and draft precise answers, complete with official sources and reference documents.
No need to memorize every detail—everything you need is right there. Deliver accurate responses and assist your clients faster.

Why AI
Trained with a knowledge base built over more than 10 years.
Answers backed by references when needed
Covers multiple regulation at the same time
Ask for a review when needed
Possibility to access Dedicated Assistant for specific needs (writing or analyze policies)